Orienta, the resource for your business

Per le aziende

Personnel research is our passion, find out how we work



Orienta Building was born thanks to the legislative authorization on the use of “temporary staff” in the building sector (collective bargaining agreement renewal Construction Companies 2000 with Legislative Decree n. 276 of the 10th of September 2003 and subsequent amendments)

It is a project aimed at satisfying the typical needs of the companies in this field, so they can benefit from the use of temporary labour.

Orienta offers a qualitative and satisfactory answer to the request for periodic workers in the building industry. Blacksmiths, carpenters, bricklayers, crane operators, team captains and surveyors are just some of the many professionals recruited and selected by Orienta in the Italian territory.

The advantages for the customers are numerous
  • Availability of trained and regularly employed staff in a very short time and at low cost
  • Complete staff management, also under an administrative point of view
  • Real flexibility of the workforce


When required, Orienta takes charge of the logistical organization of the human resources employed, finding accommodation in apartments or hotels.


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